
Safari evernote extension
Safari evernote extension

safari evernote extension

The trigger has now activated the Zapier webhook. The AppleScript activates an Alfred Workflow which triggers a Zapier web hook

safari evernote extension

Tell application “System Events” to key code 36 Run trigger “webclips” in workflow “” with argument _pageURL Set _pageTitle to the name of front document as string Set _noteTitle to the name of front document as string Set _pageURL to the URL of front document as string User selects destination notebook on the touchbar (“Web Clips”) in this exampleīetterTouchTool runs the following AppleScript User taps ‘Evernote elephant’ button on the touchbar This users Zapier (at least a Starter account), PhantomJSCloud (free for up to 500 pages per day) and a Dropbox account.

safari evernote extension

The automated page capture and upload to Evernote My approach requires BetterTouchTool (for the Touchbar integration) and Alfred, but could be implemented as a keyboard shortcut or Alfred command, without using BetterTouchToolĢ. My approach could be entirely customised or replaced with a keyboard shortcut in order to broaden compatibility to Macs without touchbars. There are really two parts to this solutionġ. I want to explain my solution here, and throw it open to improvements from the community: I’m sure it could be improved! There’s no need to wait for clipping or syncing: the browser tab can be closed immediately. So I’ve strung together an alternative solution which instantly clips the full contents of the current browser tab as a long single-page PDF and automatically saves it to the relevant Evernote notebook in the background. Could be triggered faster with less interaction / fewer mouse clicks than the webclipper eliminate the wait for the webclipper to capture, upload and sync the pageī. I frequently use the Evernote webclipper on my Mac but wanted something which:Ī.

Safari evernote extension